Member Management
Member Management
Standard Features
- Defined users have access their own unique profile.
- Personalize your profile with anything from likes/dislikes and contact information, to custom fields set up by organizations.
- Control who can log in by choosing to have your network open to new users or restricted.
- Learn more about your defined users by collecting key information and allowing them to create custom profiles.
- Customize access for different user levels.
- These levels of access can be defined for administrators, managers, and members that restrict access on both the front end (public view) and the back end.
- This increases efficiency by allowing organizations to delegate workflow.
- In addition, if you have sensitive aread of content, they can be assigned to require password authentication.
User Privacy & Security
- Defined users can enhance your community by posting blogs, comments and participating in discussion forums.
- Defined users can also take control of their privacy settings within their profile and blogs, determining which information can be viewed publicly, privately or only by select groups.
- Each defined user can view their personal and unique dashboard.
- The dashboard is a user-friendly menu of navigational shortcuts for quick access to frequently used areas.